Harper Thorpe
1 min readOct 9, 2018


Assuming you agree with the invitation Dennett extended on your behalf (sort of), I’m in, Jack. I can play that piano Dennett thinks you have, and if my “political ditties” aren’t appropriate, we’d all like to see His and Ms. Herlocker renew their vows to Kenny Loggins’ “For The First Time” (which I sang at my oldest son’s wedding). If you don’t know the song, “For The First Time” is about seeing each other for the first time, not … well … never mind.

Breakfast is my thing; so since we’re all staying over and this is an international affair, I’d be happy to make Norwegian pancakes or Belgian waffles or French toast the morning after. Almost forgot, I just invested in a new company in the agriculture industry; so I may also be able to bring some special brownies for the night before.

This is going to be so great. Since I retired in 2012, my wife has been asking, “Don’t you have someplace to go?” I finally have an answer!

P.S. I’m the introvert my friends wish kept to himself a bit more.

Sherry Kappel, Roy, Annie Littlewolf, Erik Smith, Tre L. Loadholt, S Lynn Knight ~ 🇺🇸🏳️‍🌈, Stephen M. Tomic, Mark Starlin, Tracy Aston,



Harper Thorpe

Engaged citizen, poet, musician, humorist, family man. I value irreverence, soulfulness, and a big heart. Offering insight, introspection, shock & aw shucks!